
The History of Cavendish Clinic
Cavendish Clinic was founded in 2011 by consultants from Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals. It all started when one of the plastic surgeons, Jamil Shaikh, heard of new technology for non-surgical fat reduction that had shown great promise with its...
10 FAQ’s Before Getting injectables
1. What is the difference between Botox® and dermal filler? The brand name Botox® is the name for anti-wrinkle treatment that is injected into the skin and relaxes the muscles to smooth out lines and wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and frown...
What is CoolSculpting?
When it comes to non-surgical procedures and weight loss, one of the most popular options we see in our clinic is CoolSculpting. It works by selecting unwanted fat in the body and freezing them. The cooling of fat cells then naturally...
Collaboration with Skinceuticals
Press coverage for our collaboration with Skinceuticals Our philosophy has always been to help our clients make the best choices about their treatment and by partnering with one of the world’s leading cosmeceutical brands, Skinceuticals, we’re leading the way for...
Wedding Day Beauty Prep
Helping Wedding Day Beauty Prep With Vogue We all know how important it is to feel and look your best for your wedding day, and when Vogue’s staff reporter, Ellie Robertson, first visited our Central London Clinic for a free...
Does Ultherapy Work?
Blowout magazine asks does Ultherapy work? When Ultherapy first came onto the treatment scenes there were a few sceptical reviews on whether it would actually work and a lot of feedback about how painful it is. Of course, over the...
Men’s Health Magazine Review of Cavendish Clinic
Fat loss and worrying about weight is something we’ve all experienced at least once in our lives, and as Men’s Health explored, the older we get- the more we seem to consider losing weight. As we age, fat becomes more difficult...
John Lewis Raised The Beauty Bar
British retailer launches world’s first HydraFacial Bar alongside new in-store clinics. High tech ‘tweakments’ are now available for beauty floor shoppers, as John Lewis unveils a range of new ‘derm’ style experiences this winter. Hot on the heels of the...
HydraFacial Loved by Celebrities
We all want clear, smooth and younger-looking skin and that ‘Hollywood glow’, but many effective facial treatments can involve downtime for the skin to heal, redness, skin peeling or flaking and time for results to show.  Did you know that...
Get Summer Ready With CoolSculpting
It’s not too late to get summer ready with CoolSculpting… Now that the weather is finally heating up, many of us are thinking forward to those much needed summer holidays and spending more time outdoors.  The warmer season may also...
Holiday Skincare Essentials
Holiday Skincare Essentials You Can’t Forget This Summer The 5 Holiday Skincare Essentials You Need in Your Suitcase Whether it’s a city break, or lounging by the pool for a week; your usual makeup routine might not be ideal in...
Pre Wedding Treatment
The pressure to look and feel your best on your wedding day is no small thing. There’s a reason weddings and beauty are two of the world’s biggest industries. Along with planning and hosting essentially the biggest dinner party of...
The Top London Facials
Anyone squeamish should look away now as Cavendish Clinic offers the most thoroughly cleansing facial out there, and you can see everything that is extracted in the process. Book your treatment or consultation today! 
Cosmetic Clinics Within Department Stores
Filler with your Fendi? Welcome to the world of cosmetic clinics within department stores. “In the last two years, we’ve seen an at-home beauty tech boom and launched our first ever beauty tech department with LED light masks and facial...
Go to John Lewis For a New Pout
Casting a quick look over the lipsticks on the Charlotte Tilbury concession, I stride onwards into the menswear department at Peter Jones, the branch of John Lewis that occupies pole position on Sloane Square in London. This is no morning mooch around the...
Forget Acne and Love Your Skin
June is Acne Awareness Month, but acne is a skin concern that many of us suffer with all year round and for many years. Acne commonly starts when we head into our teenage years but unfortunately, it doesn’t always stop there...
Protect Your Skin This Summer
TOP TIPS BY DR. MATT ON HOW TO PROTECT YOUR SKIN THIS SUMMER July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and with summer in full swing, it’s the perfect time to think about protecting yourself and your loved ones. Check the...
5 Things to Consider Before Getting Injectables
Have you been considering a dermal filler or anti-wrinkle treatment, but you’d like to know more before booking in?  At Cavendish Clinic, we understand that you want to make an informed decision when it comes to your treatments, so we’ve put...
The Secret to Healthier Hair
Radiant, healthy hair is not just about what you put on it; it starts from within. HydraFacial Keravive is a groundbreaking treatment that rejuvenates your scalp, promoting healthier, fuller, and more beautiful hair. In this article, we’ll exploring its benefits,...
What is BodyTite?
BodyTite™ is one of the most advanced and effective, permanent methods of simultaneously removing fat and tightening the skin whilst contouring the body. This innovative treatment uses radio frequency coupled with minimally invasive lipolysis to dramatically improve your figure, with...
10 Benefits of EMSculpt Neo®
Want 20,000 sit ups in 30mins? Let us introduce you EMSculpt Neo® EMSculpt Neo® is the first minimally invasive body remodelling treatment, which simultaneously combines radiofrequency and high-intensity electromagnetic energies to eliminate localised fat, treat flaccidity and promote toning and...